Burn Belly Fat


Spend less time doing crunches.

Main Course
One of the biggest exercise myths around is that doing crunches or sit-ups will whittle away your belly fat.

It seems to make sense. If you want a smaller stomach, do more ab exercises. However, it doesn’t work quite that easily. Getting defined abdominals requires us to be lean so that you can actually see the muscle definition. The only way to get there is to incorporate regular cardiovascular work into your routine.

No matter how many times I try to gently explain to my clients that all the crunches in the world won’t get rid of the gut, they STILL insist on trying to crunch the fat away. I’m not going to name any names here, but you, yes YOU…Please (pretty please) listen to me.
You may be creating the most unbelievable 6-pack in the entire world but no one is going to see it until we work on burning more calories and getting rid of those “oh-so-cute” love handles on top.