Say Goodbye to That Stale Routine

Change up your fitness routine
more often – every 4 to 6 weeks to be exact.

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Surely Benjamin Franklin had us in mind when he said, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”

Reason #1 to Mix Things Up a Bit:
After several weeks of the same workout routine, our bodies get accustomed to the movements and we no longer have to work as hard to get through the workout. Ideally, you want to perform a routine enough that you perfect the technique but not so much that your body already has your next move memorized.

Reason #2 to Mix Things Up a Bit:
Oh, excuse me. That was me yawning through another ho-hum workout routine. Realistically, how many times are you going to do the same ol’ thing? Not only will your progress slow down, but you will be bored out of your mind if you don’t broaden your workout horizons.

How do I shake things up? Well, I’m so glad that you asked. Just like many of you, I have my favorite go-to workouts that I tend to rely on a bit too much. When it’s time for me to get out of an exercise rut, I change the pace with group exercise classes.

Oftentimes the instructor will take us through moves that I’ve never done or things that I don’t typically do on my own. The great music and camaraderie make it easy to alter my boring routine.