The Power of Suggestion


Don’t eat more just because your friends, co-workers or family happen to be munching away.

Main Course

The power of suggestion is strong, so you might actually start to crave what someone else is having when you see them eating. If you’re not actually hungry, try to keep yourself busy with a healthy snack of your own. Or sip on a low-cal drink just to keep yourself busy while they eat. Do anything other than join in with the crowd – eating just for the sake of eating.

I’m guilty as charged on this one. Often, I’m just sitting there minding my own business when someone will walk in with a box of fresh Krispy Kremes or an extra homemade cookie. Instantly, something that I wasn’t even thinking about becomes the one thing that I need most. Amazing how that works. I’m going to start taking my own advice on this one and get back to you with my progress.