5 Ways to Re-Motivate Yourself to Workout

5 Ways to Re-Motivate Yourself to Workout

Summer is in full swing, but it’s still not too late to shed those bothersome pounds that are standing between you and your favorite swimsuit. Here are 5 ways to re-motivate yourself to get in shape and have that summer body you were dreaming of back in March:

    1. Make a vision board. Look through old pictures and magazines of clothes that you would like to see yourself get into. There is nothing like looking at a cute outfit or picture of you from when you thought you looked your best to get you in the mood for getting back to that. It also helps to include empowering quotes and words of encouragement, and making your board look cute goes a long way, too.
    2. Set a goal. Setting goals is a good idea when tackling anything. Starting with a smaller goal like taking a walk 2x a week and working your way up from there will make the impossible seem possible. Make sure your goals are SMART: specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely.
    3. Workout with a friend. At times, working out can be a little on the boring side (Yes, we just admitted that.) so why not turn a 2 mile walk into your weekly time to catch up with a friend? Working out with someone else is a great way to stay motivated.
    4. Plan to succeed. “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” Look at the glass as half full instead of half empty. If you sit around and come up with tons of excuses for why you can’t exercise, you never will. Think positively about what you’re going to accomplish. For example, tell yourself “This workout will help give me energy for the rest of my day,” and it will.
    5. Reward yourself. Every effort you’re making to get in shape counts. Be sure you have a reward plan in place for when you achieve goals – both big and small. Whether it’s something simple like a new nail polish or more extensive like a shopping trip at the outlets, it should be something special – something that will make you smile.