When it comes to losing weight, there’s rarely one big “Eureka!” answer – just ask our client, Kristen, who recently wrote about her real-life (hilarious) weight loss experience with Cafe Physique. Lasting weight loss typically comes through a series of small, yet substantial, changes.
You’ve heard this before and for good reason: It really is the little things that count the most, and it’s not just doing them that leads to weight loss… but doing them consistently over time. None of these 15 things, alone, will significantly impact your efforts to slim down, but taken collectively, they just may be your most powerful weapons in the fight against the bulge:
- Define your goal. To lose 1 pound a week, do this simple calculation: [Your weight x 12] – 500 = Your daily calorie goal. Don’t go below 1200 calories without consulting your doctor. And remember these 3 factors that influence your calorie needs.
- Start the day off right. Research shows that eating breakfast helps you lose weight and keep it off. If you’re not into “breakfasty” foods, feel free to have a non-traditional meal.
- Add a savory appetizer. People consume fewer calories on days when they eat broth based soup. Having a savory appetizer may enhance feelings of fullness.
- Choose the right snacks. Pick snacks that combine both protein and fiber. Examples: carrot sticks or red bell pepper with hummus (Our fave pick: Trader Joe’s) or an apple with all natural peanut butter or almond butter. If these types of foods don’t sound appealing to you, learn to love the foods you hate.
- Count calories because calories count (Sorry, couldn’t resist…too much Elmo). Seriously, writing down everything you eat helps you lose weight. Paper and pen work fine—but weight loss tracking websites make looking up calories easy, eliminate the math and offer bonus features like menu planners and real-time nutrition grades (A, B, C, D…and um…even F).
- Stay motivated. Post a pic of whatever motivates you to stick with your goal (science shows that this really does work). Consider a photo of you looking your healthiest, a personal role model, your children. Hang it on your fridge. Make it the wallpaper on your computer or cell phone. Create a vision board.
- Get your rest. Aim for about 8 hours a night – any less might cause you to eat more because insufficient shut-eye can lower levels of leptin and increase ghrelin – hormones that tell us when we’re full and when to eat, respectively.
Make the perfect dinner plate: 50% vegetables (variety is key), 25% whole grains, 25% lean protein. Feel stuck in a rut when you try to eat healthy? Breaking news: There’s life beyond chicken.
- Move. Preferably, move often and quickly. Exercise AT LEAST 30 minutes most days (150 minutes a week). Consider that a bare minimum because it often takes more than that to drop pounds.
- Drinks lots ‘o water. In a 2010 study, adults who drank 2 cups of water before meals lost more weight than those who didn’t. That’s just one of the many reasons to increase your water intake.
- Make every day Monday. Huh? Let me explain. If you deviate from plan, get back on track immediately – not on Monday. Waiting for Monday (or even tomorrow), is an excuse chronic dieters use for giving up and giving in.
- Move temptation. You’re only human, so store tempting foods in the back of the pantry. Seeing treats makes you want to eat them even when you weren’t craving them.
- Put the bag away. Or the box. Eating directly out of the package will most certainly lead to weight gain. Measure out a serving (or more), and put the rest back. Be conscious of what you’re eating.
- Sit down and eat. If you’re regularly too busy to sit down and eat, you’re just too busy. Try elevating it to the importance of going to the restroom. No one ever says, “Sorry, I was too busy to use the bathroom.” Eating on the run leads to added calories – blame the distractions for this one.
- Stay regular. If you go too long between meals, you’ll be more likely to OD on the Big 3: fat, sugar, and salt. Researchers found that study participants were much more interested in calorie-laden foods when they had low blood sugar levels.
For some, lasting weight loss may require more extensive lifestyle changes, but these 15 tips will get the average person a long way down the right path. Remember: The most important element is CONSISTENCY, so start today and don’t stop – even when you feel discouraged. When it comes to weight loss, slow and steady really does win the race.