Yoga & Pilates

practice yoga recover from stress faster, and reducing
stress levels can greatly improve health and quality of life.
What is yoga?
Our yoga instruction relies on an empowering form of physical exercise that encourages health and well-being while strengthening your entire body. While stretching is certainly involved, these locally-held Atlanta yoga sessions are really about creating balance in the body through developing both strength and flexibility. The juicy blend of flowing yoga postures or asanas is an excellent complement to any fitness activity. The poses in our yoga sessions can be done quickly in succession, creating heat in the body through movement or more slowly to increase stamina and perfect the alignment of the pose. How about a Yoga Party?
What is Pilates?
Named after its German inventor, Joseph H. Pilates (pi-LAH-teez), a boxer and dancer who also studied yoga and Zen meditation, the technique encompasses more than 500 controlled, precise movements designed to stretch and strengthen the muscles without adding bulk. The exercises require concentration – working the body and mind simultaneously. Our private sessions of Pilates in Atlanta focus on “core” muscles – the abdomen, back, and buttocks – together with deep, coordinated breathing. Correct posture and lower risk of injury are just two benefits of the regimen.
Some of the reasons to consider in-home yoga & pilates sessions:

Pricing Options
A. One-on-One Atlanta Yoga or Pilates Sessions
B. Atlanta Yoga or Pilates Partner Sessions: Two (2) individuals
C. Group Classes: Interested in a yoga or Pilates class at your company or another location?
Contact us for details and pricing.
Also available…Yoga Parties!