Got carried away with too much sweet stuff? Ingest more fiber and protein to help even things out.
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Too much cake, candy or cookies can make you feel like crap. Depending on your blood sugar level, you may even start to feel a little shaky because refined carbs make your blood sugar spike.
When this happens, take action right away by consuming a combination of protein, fiber and complex carbohydrates. Examples:

– Handful of almonds and a small piece of fruit
– Peanut butter on whole-grain toast
– Unsalted soy nuts
Snacks like these take longer to digest and are released more slowly into your bloodstream. This will help to cut your blood sugar when you eat them right away.
This bit of advice was recently reported by ABC News. Although I was already aware of it, hearing about it again made me realize just how counterintuitive it is. When I eat too many sweets, my instinct is to not eat anything else because I feel like crap physically and mentally (Read: Major Guilt).
This is one of the few times that you may have to allow nature & proven science to override your natural instinct in an effort to curb the short-term effects of a sugar binge – no matter how warranted that quart of Edy’s was.