Corporate Wellness
Health care costs are taking an excruciating toll on American businesses and their employees, and there’s no question that an enormous portion of health care expenditures are driven by unhealthy lifestyles. Stated mildly, the overall health of the American workforce is not good.
Several scientific reviews indicate that worksite health promotion programs reduce medical costs and absenteeism
and produce a positive return on investment.
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and produce a positive return on investment.

Workforce Health Statistics
Chronic diseases – preventable things like heart disease, cancer, stroke, etc. – cause 70 percent of deaths in America and are responsible for three fourths of health care spending.
Almost 66% of the increase in health care spending can be attributed to increasingly unhealthy lifestyle behaviors; most prominent among these is obesity.
Obesity is very closely related to with heart disease and stroke. An estimated 46 percent of all obese adults have high blood pressure, one of the major risk factors for cardiovascular disease.
Relevant data suggest that the costs to employers in lost productivity due to poor employee health may be substantially more than the direct medical and disability costs.
A sleep study showed that a sleep deprived employee takes twice as long to complete simple administrative tasks as a person who got more than seven hours of sleep last night. This means sleepy employees are less productive, more prone to accidents etc.
Research shows that well designed wellness programs can prevent, arrest and even reverse diabetes.
Depending on the most pressing issues of your workforce, Café Physique will help you choose and implement appropriate health interventions related to physical activity, weight management, self-care, and stress management.