If you start developing a negative attitude about your momentary weakness, you will start despairing. And if you despair, you will look for ways to comfort yourself. And if that comfort comes in form of a bucket of fried chicken, you will just be digging yourself into a deeper hole. So keep your chin up, laugh it off, and get yourself right back on track.
A depressingly large number of people think that they can pig out one night, skip breakfast, and it will be like they ate two normal sized meals. Unfortunately, the human metabolism doesn’t quite adhere to that logic. If you want to burn off all those extra calories you consumed, you need to make sure that your metabolism is in top working order. Skipping breakfast will just put your body in “starvation mode,” and force your metabolism to go as slow as possible to store all that extra fat. There’s nothing wrong with a light breakfast, but eating nothing in the morning will just make your evening of cheating on your diet worse than it has to be.