EAT, Pray, Love…With Passion

EAT, Pray, Love…With Passion

Like  many other women across the country, I saw the movie Eat, Pray, Love with a large group of girlfriends. We followed up the movie with a lively discussion over Italian-inspired gourmet pizza.   When asked about her “word” (you gotta see the movie to get this part), my girlfriend, Kristen, said her “word” is balance.

At the time, I couldn’t figure out my word, but it came to me one night later that week when I was drifting off to sleep…

My word is passion.  Passion is what fuels my work and my relationships.  Sometimes passion works in my favor (like when I stay up all night long making changes to my website or when I search high and low for the perfect gift for a grieving friend), and sometimes it works against me (like when I lose my ability to function once I lose interest in something).  In either case, it is simply passion that drives nearly everything I do.

Right now, I’m passionate about helping my clients find happiness, health, balance, peace, and confidence.   Ironically, I’m also seeking these same things for myself.  Lately, the topic of balance as it relates to my eating has been front and center.

Some days, I feel like I could be a paid mascot for U.S. Food Pyramid.  I eat a bunch of whole grains and a variety of fruits and veggies that would leave anyone impressed.  Deep green, yellow/orange, and white veggies along with citrus fruits, crisp apples, and perfectly ripe apricots…just to name a few.

And other days, I’m wondering if I’m pregnant again (???) because I voraciously crave stuff that I normally don’t even think about.  Today is one of those days.  I’ve been eating ever since I woke up this morning, and my appetite seemingly just can’t be satisfied.  The strange thing is that I don’t actually have a taste for anything specific which seems like a bit of a waste.

In the past, I would have been freaking out right now – trying to figure out why my eating is “all messed up”, wondering why I want to eat, pray, love…and then eat again.  But not today.  That’s not to say that I don’t notice what my body is going through.  I do notice.  I’m just not bothered by it.  Because it all comes down to balance.  I trust her (my body) to tell me what she needs and wants, and if I listen to her with unwavering confidence, I know that she will always bring me back full circle.  She keeps me balanced.

Passionately balanced.