Exercising while preggers

Exercising while preggers

As a first-time mother-to-be, I have found it difficult to do anything lately. I barely have enough energy to get through the day, much less exercise. Sometimes I even have to close my office door  in between client appointments, or head to my car, to sneak in a much needed power nap at work.

Nonetheless, as a health professional, I am aware of the importance of physical fitness – especially now. In addition to eating healthy balanced meals and trying to get plenty of rest, there are countless studies touting the benefits of working out through the trimesters. In fact, the American Pregnancy Association lists the following compelling reasons for me to get moving:

      • Helps reduce backaches, constipation, bloating, and swellingpregnant exercise
      • May help prevent or treat gestational diabetes
      • Increases your energy
      • Helps keep you fit during pregnancy and may improve your ability to cope with labor (Hmm…)
      • Improves your mood
      • Improves your posture
      • Promotes muscle tone, strength, and endurance
      • Helps you sleep better
      • Makes it easier to get back in shape after your baby is born (Hello!)

While one should avoid exercises that cause strain or overexertion to the body (which happens to encompass every move my body makes these days), it is generally safe to perform the same exercises that you were accustomed to prior to pregnancy (Great news for those of you who weren’t working out at all before getting knocked up :). Just be sure to aim for a total of 20-30 minutes of purposeful movement most days of the week. Walking briskly, swimming and prenatal yoga are great options for mamas-to-be of all fitness levels.

That being said, I clearly have no more excuses. There are too many benefits to exercising for me to simply, ahem, collapse on the couch when I get home from work. I could definitely use the energy boost…along with anything else that makes this pregnancy easier. Time to strap on my tennis shoes and get moving!

 Guest post written by Christen Miller, Cafe Physique registered dietitian