Rate your plate quiz

Rate your plate quiz

Registered Dietitian Nutritionists (RDN) help people eat right by providing sound, easy-to-follow nutrition advice. And even if you already have a pretty good idea of what to eat, an RDN can help you turn that head knowledge into actual practice. Take our Rate Your Plate quiz to find out where you stand.

MyPlateMost of us are familiar with the MyPlate concept. It’s easy to understand and seems reasonable, however, consistently following the recommendations is another story. After working with many clients, I’ve found that committing to a healthy plate takes intention and attention.

You’ll have to be intentional about the foods you choose. This means taking time to plan meals and snacks in advance, checking out restaurant menus online, and coming up with a plan for consistent easy access to healthful choices (i.e. cooking at home, scoping out the best fast-food options, signing up for a meal delivery service, etc.). Deliberately building your plate with healthful tasty foods will get you further than any deprivation diet you can name.

To make the MyPlate meal plan work in the real world, paying attention to your hunger and fullness cues is also a necessity. Getting in touch with your body’s natural hunger and satiety signals is part of the Intuitive Eating approach to a healthy weight.

One reason that many of us are not at a healthy weight is because, somewhere along the line, we stopped listening to our body signals that naturally tell us when we’re hungry and when we’re full. The signals are still there, but we’re out of practice when it comes to paying attention to them. Learning to recognize those signals again can help you get to a healthy weight and stay there. – WebMD.com

Want to know if you’re on track? Rate your eating habits with this quick nutrition quiz in honor of National Nutrition Month. If you find that you’d like a little help increasing your score, check out our dietary counseling and wellness coaching sessions. Working with a registered dietitian nutritionist will make all the difference.