Say Cheese!


While on your healthy living journey, it’s important to pay less attention to the number on the scale and document your progress with pictures instead.
Main Course

By taking pictures at set intervals (ideally, every 4 – 6 wks), you can step back and see yourself the way others see you. Typically, your body starts showing visible signs of improvement before the scale catches up, so photos are excellent for self-esteem and showing others how far you’ve come. Everyone needs their own fan club!
I would love to show my commitment to all of you and my belief in the power of pictures by posting a Before pic of me as an adult – before I started on my personal healthy living journey, but unfortunately, I don’t have one. I didn’t consciously avoid taking pictures during that time, but apparently my subconscious did because there are literally no pics of me as an “extra thick” chick.

However, I won’t let you down here, so I’ve posted a Before pic from my chubby childhood. It was taken back when I occupied the role of the quintessential “big girl” in a school full of pre-pubescent skeletons with skin. The other pic is an After that a friend took of me one night in an empty parking garage.