What if Diets Really Worked?

What if Diets Really Worked?

What if diets really worked?  Yes, I know that it’s hard to imagine, but just what if?  Close your eyes, and consider what life would be like. Well, don’t actually close your eyes because you need to read what I’m saying, but be pensive.

If diets worked…

I’d be out of business, and you wouldn’t be reading this email right now.

Your closet wouldn’t be full of several sizes of clothes that you’re afraid to give away – in case you need them again.

Genetics wouldn’t matter, so that whole nurture vs. nature debate would be over.

Celebrities who hawk diet products in exchange for millions of dollars would actually be able to maintain their own weight loss.

Supermodels would be a thing of the past because we’d all be emaciated.

You wouldn’t weigh more now than you did before you first started dieting.

Even Starbucks would start selling magic little pills.

Those cheesy before and after photos in the magazine ads wouldn’t be required to print all of the fine print legal mumbo jumbo.

Clothing manufacturers could stop acting like plus-size women don’t want or need cute clothes.

The last socially acceptable prejudice (fat prejudice) would be obsolete.

You’d go ahead and buy that little black dress.

Naturally thin chicks wouldn’t be so judgmental, thinking that overweight women are lazy.

The Health at Every Size movement wouldn’t be a movement.

Healthcare costs would be decreasing.

A trophy wife would be witty, engaging, wise, and supportive – not just skinny.

Fast-food restaurants would go out of business…or change their ways.

“Normal eating” wouldn’t need to be defined.

Everyone would be super thin, including you…and me.

Soooo…since none of these things are true, you can rest assured that diets don’t work.  Let’s move on. The End.