Get Reacquainted With Your Crock-Pot

Get Reacquainted With Your Crock-Pot

Crock-pot. Slow cooker. Dust collector. Life saver. Whatever you call yours, if you want to prepare healthy meals in literally 5 minutes or less, start using it. Preparing slow-cooker recipes improves the odds that you’ll eat healthier food, because your dinner will...
Turkey Day Trim Down

Turkey Day Trim Down

Want to get more for less? Of course you do! Check out our super hot November holiday special: Turkey Day Trim Down! (Sale ends November 30th) Thanksgiving is often characterized as a festive time with family, football, and food. But not just any food. Holiday meals...
What if Diets Really Worked?

What if Diets Really Worked?

What if diets really worked?  Yes, I know that it’s hard to imagine, but just what if?  Close your eyes, and consider what life would be like. Well, don’t actually close your eyes because you need to read what I’m saying, but be pensive. If diets...
Fast Healthy Meals at Home?

Fast Healthy Meals at Home?

If you’re like most women these days, you’ve probably got a million things on your to-do list: kids, activities, work, household chores, volunteering. And you probably wish you had the time to prepare healthy balanced meals every night. Sometimes...
The Art of Drinking Tea

The Art of Drinking Tea

When the whole Starbucks craze started, I always felt left out when my girlfriends wanted to meet for coffee because while I love the aroma of fresh brewed coffee, the taste makes me gag and cringe. But then a friend turned me onto hot tea, and things have never been...
5 Ways to Jumpstart Your Health

5 Ways to Jumpstart Your Health

Hopping around from guru to guru and being disappointed with the results, or lack thereof, has led savvy women to become empowered when it comes to their health.  In the process, they have learned a very big lesson:  Modest lifestyle changes can add up to major...
Is “Desk Yoga” Worth the Effort?

Is “Desk Yoga” Worth the Effort?

Being confined to your office for hours at a time can do a number on your body. In fact, people who sit most of the day are more likely to have elevated cholesterol, blood sugar, triglycerides and even an increased waist size – all of which increase the risk of...
I Hate Vegetables. EEK!

I Hate Vegetables. EEK!

After years of working with clients on diet and fitness, I rarely encounter an issue that I don’t have at least a semi-reasonable fix for. But this one continues to stump me time and time again: What in the heck am I supposed to do with clients who flat out...
15 (Easy) Ways to Lose Weight

15 (Easy) Ways to Lose Weight

When it comes to losing weight, there’s rarely one big “Eureka!” answer – just ask our client, Kristen, who recently wrote about her real-life (hilarious) weight loss experience with Cafe Physique. Lasting weight loss typically comes through a...
Are Diet Drinks Evil?

Are Diet Drinks Evil?

The evidence is strong that cutting back on sugary drinks—or eliminating them altogether—may help with weight control and will almost surely lower the risk of diabetes and maybe even heart disease. However, the evidence is less clear-cut for artificially sweetened...
The Rise of Meat-eating Vegetarians

The Rise of Meat-eating Vegetarians

Yes, you read that correctly. Meat-eating vegetarians do exist, and in fact, they are rapidly growing in numbers as studies continue to yield results that look upon the meat-centric American diet unfavorably. Semi-vegetarians, commonly known as flexitarians, eat a...
The Great Debate: Weights or Cardio?

The Great Debate: Weights or Cardio?

You know there’s no magic exercise that’s going to miraculously transform your body in an instant – at least you should  know that. But even if you’re not trying to cut corners and you really do plan to put in the hard work, you’d at...