Breakfast Counts

AppetizerEat breakfast more often. Besides providing energy to carry you through the rest of your day, eating breakfast daily can actually help you consume less calories overall. Main CourseEating breakfast is an integral part to any healthy eating plan, but...

Lessons on Eating Out

Appetizer Enjoy dining out with loved ones and friends, but spend more time choosing your food. Hasty decisions, especially those made when your stomach is growling, are often bad ones. Main Course Most people find it relatively easy to eat right at home, but they...

Reward Yourself

AppetizerA healthy heart and hot bod are are indeed reasons enough for working out and eating right, but go ahead…Give yourself even more of an incentive to work hard. Main CourseWhat motivates you to push through one more rep or ask for “salad dressing on...

Say Cheese!

Appetizer While on your healthy living journey, it’s important to pay less attention to the number on the scale and document your progress with pictures instead. Main Course By taking pictures at set intervals (ideally, every 4 – 6 wks), you can step back...

The More or Less Philosophy – June Recap

As you know, Café Physique is a virtual café based on the More or Less Philosophy of healthy living which states that by integrating small changes into our daily lives, we can realistically achieve our weight loss and fitness goals. These changes typically involve...